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1923: Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Part I: General Introduction - Part II: Sculpture, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Reimpresión: Bharatiya Publishing House, Delhi, Varanasi, 1978; trad. fr. Jean Buhot: Pour comprendre l'art Hindou (Bossart, Paris, 1926). Reimpresión: Editions Awac, Rennes 1979.
1923a: Introduction to Indian Art, Theosophical Publishing House, Madrás. Reimpresión: Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi 1969.
1924: Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Part 4: Jaina Paintings and Manuscripts, Boston.
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1927: Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Part 5: Rajput Painting, Boston.
1927a History of Indian and Indonesian Art, Karl W. Hiesemann, Leipzig; Goldston, London; Weyhe, Nueva York. Reimpresión: Dover Publications, Inc., Nueva York 1965. Reimpresión: Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi, 1972.
1927b: The Origin of the Buddha Image, «Art Bulletin», IX, 4 (1927). Reimpresión: Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi, 1972, 1980.
1928: Yaksas, I, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington. Reimpresión (junto a Yaksas II): Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi 1971, 1993.
1929: Nagara Painting, en «Rupam», 37, 40.
1930: Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Part 6: Mughal Painting, Boston.
1930a: Early Indian Architecture: I. Cities and City Gates, etc.; II. Bodhigharas, en «Eastern Art», II, pp. 208-235, 45 figuras.
1930b: One Hundred References to Indian Painting, in «Artibus Asiae», 1930-1932, pp. 41-57.
1930c: Further References, «Artibus Asiae», 1930-1932, pp. 126-129.
1931: Early Indian Architecture: III. Palaces, in «Eastern Art», III, pp. 181-217, 84 figs.
1931a: An Early Passage on Indian Painting, in «Eastern Art», III, pp. 218-219.
1931b: Yaksas, II, Smithsonian Institution Publication, 3059 Reimpresión (junto a Yaksas I): Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi 1971.
1932: Visnudharmottara (III), in «Journal of the American Oriental Society», LII.
1933: A New Approach to the Vedas: An Essay in Translation and Exegesis, Luzac, London; trad. fr. Une nouvelle approche des Vedas. Essai de traduction et d'exégèse, Arché, Milano 1994.
1933a: Hindu Sculpture, in «The League», V, 3.
1934: The Transformation of Nature in Art, (2ª ed. 1935), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Reimpresión: Dover Publications, Nueva York 1956, 1934a: "Kha" and Other Words Denoting 'Zero', in «Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies», VII, pp. 487-497, retomado en 1977a.
1934b: The Technique and Theory of Indian Painting, en «Technical Studies», III, pp. 59-89, 2 figs.
1935: Elements of Buddhist Iconography, foreword by Walter E. Clark, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Reimpresión: Munshiram Manoharlal, Nueva Delhi 1972, 1979.
1935a: Mediaeval Aesthetic: 1. Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite and Ulrich Engelberti of Strassburg, «Art Bulletin», XVII, pp. 31-47, retomado en 1977: «The Mediaeval Theory of Beauty».
1935b: La Sculpture de Bodhgaya, Ars Asiatica, N. 18, Paris.
1935c: The Mediaeval Theory of Beauty, en «Art Bulletin», XVII, 1935 y XX, 1938, retomado en 1977.
1935d: Angel and Titan: An Essay in Vedic Ontology, en «Journal of the American Oriental Society», LV, pp. 373-419.
1935e: Châyâ, in «Journal of the American Oriental Society», LV, pp. 278-283.
1935f: The Darker Side of Dawn, en «Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections», XCIV.
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1943b: Prana-citi, en «Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society», pp. 105-109.
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